Wednesday, November 4, 2015

too tired for much

I had all kinds of fun things to share with you.  The girls dance class, our new friends both from dance and our ward, the girls and I's random and spontaneous day to the zoo after dance (SO much fun fyi!) but I am SO exhausted!!  Jed was in FL last weekend for work and my mom and youngest brother Robert came for the weekend.  And then the time changed.  And the girls decided they don't want to sleep in their bed anymore.  And K has decided that no matter what, she's going to be up at 6am (7am to the old time she was use too.). And so I was going to ask you about the time change... why? what's the purpose? How do you and yours handle it.  Poor Jed is having a heck of a time between his time change on his trip and the time change when he got home.  But really, I'm just to tired.  Every moms story hahahaha :) Hope anyone reading this (the very few and far between) are doing well.  We are loving life in CO, missing family like crazy, and looking forward to making new traditions and memories.  Sweet dreams!

Friday, October 23, 2015

just randomness of CO Springs

But first, today is Jed's birthday!  The big #29! HE'S ALMOST 30!! What?? Sure love that nearly old man though!  He truly steps up to the plate and deals with way more then most men would or should  He is extremely patient, kind, and loving.  He's an example to me of being generous, forgiving, and unassuming.  He always sees the best in people.  And if he teases you or gives you a hard time, then you know he really really likes you :)

Today the girls and I ventured into town (Colorado Springs town, we live in Peyton, close to Falcon which has its own Safeway, Walmart and a few restaurants and banks.  But for the bigger places you've gotta run into the city of Colorado Springs. Either Powers, Academy, Monument, Briarridge, Stetson Hills, or Corporate Drive) We went and picked up Jed and took him to lunch to a little Mexican place called Salsa Brava.  Yum!! Then we took him back and stayed and visited for while.  The girls were so sweet and asked if we could go see the fish, so off to Bass Pro Shop we went.  It's only about 12 minutes from Jed's office and they have a huge tank full of live fish.  The girls LOVE it! Then we did a little shopping, got Jed another birthday present, a birthday present for Kenzley (she'll be two on Sunday, WHAT?? That's a post for another day) and I snagged a few stocking stuffers/Christmas Eve gift.  Gotta love those early Christmas present shopping!

On the way home I decided to take the back roads through the Black Forest.  Oh how I LOVE Black Forest.  We looked for houses in that area...OUCH!  It's a gorgeous place nestled in the Black Forest Mountains.  Lots and lots of trees, lots of hobby farm/ranches, lots of horses.  But it is beautiful.  It is Jed and I's dream to live there one day, maybe in the next ten years or so.  It's something I greatly look forward to.  As we were driving through, Blaikley took a big deep sigh, said "Mom, this place sure feels good!" and promptly feel fast asleep.  She hardly ever naps, but here it is, a quarter to five in the evening and she's still napping! Yay!!

When we got home, the glass/screen door was closed but the front door was open and it was SO cold!! The thermostat was reading 63* - too cold! So I got the girls laying down and sleeping, started a fire, and now I'm just enjoying the quiet.  There are many more productive things I need to be doing...dishes, laundry, sweeping, dusting.... wait!! Did I just say it was a quarter to five?? Yikes!! I best get something figured out for dinner!!

Hope ya'll are doing well and great!!

Friday, October 9, 2015

A big, crazy, wonderful adventure!

Well guys, we did it! We have moved to Colorado! And it it was wonderful! 

A few fun facts and stories about our home and time in Colorado:
- Its sandy, no dirt
- The misquotes and red aunts are HUGE!
- The girls have never slept better!
- Jed and I both feel more at home here then at any other home we've lived in since being married
- The views of Pikes Peak are amazing!
- The people of Colorado Springs/Falcon/Peyton area are... amazingly different.  Everyone we've met or interacted with have been so kind and patient. I'm sure most parents understand the nerve that can come when taking kiddos into public, weather its eating, grocery shopping, etc.  We are 30-45 minutes into Colorado Springs and 15-20 minutes into Falcon.  I do our Costco shopping in the Springs and Walmart/Safeway and groceries in Falcon.  So you can imagine the fits tired little ones can have.  The first few times the nerves piped up, the worry about what looks and comments people will dish out today (Utah was the worst about people commenting on others parenting styles.  I got a few in Idaho, but Utah was the worst for me).  But not once have we received and glare or an offending comment.  Every one we have come into contact with has been so amazing! So kudos to El Paso County Colorado! (PS: even the fast food workers and workers in Walmart have been amazing! I can't even put it into words, you'll just have to come experience it for yourself :) ).
- The DMV here is CRAZY!!  There are good seven or eight different DMV's in El Paso County.  I met Jed at 12noon for our vin verification and we headed over to the DMV on Powers and Research.  It was a shopping center and after we drove around for a good 40 minutes, we gave up and headed down to the one on Union Blvd.  Many of the DMV's had computer problems that day but there was a list online and this DMV was suppose to be good to go.  We got there and is was PACKED! So I took the girls out for a walk while Jed waited in line.  After about and hour and half we FINALLY get to the clerk, tell them we are there to register our vehicles that expire that day and that we needed to get our new instate drivers license. Wwweelllllllll.... no can do.  Their computers are down also.  What?? Why didn't you tell us that sooner!! We so had to head over to the DMV on Garden of the Gods Road.  and by this time it's about 3:30pm or so.  And the girls have been great but are starting to get restless.  We sit next to a super nice grandma and her grandson, and there's a friendly mom who's there with her baby and her sister. And the girls play with the baby and they dance and the sing and be silly.  Jed takes and walks around the building with them and finds a vending machine.  When all those people leave we get to sit next to a super nice African-American lady names Clara. She was SO sweet with my girls! B commented on how her hair is dark and curly and beautiful like her aunt Sarah's.  They sat and talked and laughed and giggled at each other for about 15 mins or so, it was so sweet.  And the girls kept dancing and laughing and being a little loud but not one person minded!! What?? People are okay with kids being kids?? It was AMAZING!!  So we were able to get my car registered but we had to go get a weight verification done on the truck (because we couldn't just pay for it being over 4500lbs, we had to have it weighed and prove it was over 4500lbs.  So poor Jed had to drive an hour north to find a scale that was still open, but BONUS - he brought home Costa Vida! yum!

Okay, I still have lots and lots to share but alas I must go be mom and get some work done :)

lots of love!