Monday, February 20, 2012


Sorry it's been so long!!  Things have been crazy busy but wonderful!  For now I'm just going to put the highlights and hopefully I'll get back to writing more details soon!

- I started Copaxone (the shot for the MS) but I'm in the middle of a relapse and my dumb neurologist is telling me it's an allergic reaction to the medicine.  He wants me to stop taking the shots and get another MRI done.  So I am currently looking for a new doc.  I am having double vision, numbness, weakness and extreme fatigue.  It's so much fun :)  but really, it !could be worse!!  I am so thankful for wonderful family and friends who have helped/are helping me, and especially my fantastic hubby!!  I can't even drive right now.  He has picked up a lot of my slack and I am so very grateful for and to him.

- My mom took Blaikley and I to Disneyland!!  My mom drove to our house and helped me get finished packing and Dad came and took Jed and my brother Travis snowmobiling the day before and the day we left.  They had a blast.  Since I couldn't drive, mom drove us to the SLC airport and we flew to the LA airport.  We got to stay in the Grand Californian Hotel (which was WONDERFUL!!) and we had so much fun!  My Grandma Jerri (my mom's mom) and my mom's sisters Jaymi, Chari and her son Gus, Carrie and her kids Thomas, Milly (Amelia) and Jack and my brother Robert all got to come! It was so fun!! I even got to ride in a wheelchair 2 1/2 days out of 5 that we were there (bittersweet) and Blaikley was so fun! Especially when we were around/near the characters!  It was wonderful!

- Lacie had puppies!! Yay!  She had 8 but laid on and squished one :(  But now we only have 3 puppies left to find home for..  They grew big and wonderful and Lacie kept weight on really well and they all are doing great!!

- We are trying to sell Jed's truck.  It's a manuel transmission and with my legs being numb, I just cannot drive it.  It's very bittersweet.  Hopefully it will sell soon so we can get a smaller pickup.  And then we might try to sell the Xterra  We'll see how that goes.

- We think we have high levels of lead in our bodies.  We have a lot of the symptoms and the family that lived here before had high levels of lead too.  So we are getting our blood tested tomorrow and we'll go from there.  Joy. Actually, if we have high levels, we'll have to/get to move out (quiet screams of joy and lots of praying that it happens!!)

- I'm secretly hoping I can find Jed a different job.  I want to move so bad and just get to that next chapter.  I'm ready for Jed to find that career that he just loves and enjoys and that really gets the bills paid and maybe even gets the saving account a little built up.  Please pray for that.

Okay, that's more than I thought I'd talk about.  It's past my bedtime and I really need to go to sleep.

Goodnight ya'll


  1. I read this a few days ago but didn't have time to comment, and I really love comments, so ... here I am :) I hope you can get the doctor/medicine situation worked out. And get the truck sold. And find your husband a new job. And not have high lead levels. And ... etc... :) Flint and I really have been worried about you lately and I wish I knew how to help more. You are very strong and I admire your positive attitude!

  2. Cami- Hey, I saw your pictures from Disneyland. I am glad you were able to go there. I hope that things can get figured out with your medicine and life. I read a quote a couple of weeks ago, "You were given you life because you were strong enough to live it." You are strong and such an example to me. I am glad we are friends. I will be praying for you. Hugs your way.
